The Veteran Resource & Enrichment Center offers a unique experience by providing dedicated, kind-hearted advocacy transition management to enhance the well-being of Veterans and their family.
Transition management will bridge the gap by walking the path with you to overcome the difficulties life throws at you to achieve an enriched life. We provide resources on lifestyle enhancements, well-being, recovery, housing, jobs, veteran benefits, county/state/federal benefits, and more.
Our positive programs aim to boost self-esteem, confidence, reduce anxiety, and empower Veterans and their family to enhance their lifestyle and assist in recovery. Join us for camaraderie and daily fun activities!
We strive to serve all Veterans and their families, with a special focus on validating the service of Lady Veterans.

One-of-a-kind crafts available in Rosie’s Boutique which are hand-crafted by Veterans, their family, or volunteers through VREC Enrichment Programs. Contact VREC to purchase, proceeds help keep activities free.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
John F. Kennedy

501 17th Avenue N., St. Cloud, MN 56303